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Do you Have a Story of Domestic Violence?


Broken Cover
It was September 1982 when my sister, Peggy Gollias Dianovsky disappeared never to be seen again. She was the victim of domestic violence.

I am giving my sister a voice by writing a book about domestic violence. In my book entitled,  Broken, I will tell her story.

Maybe you have a story too.

If you’ve been the victim of domestic violence

I’m taking submissions of people’s stories. Sharing your story is beneficial in two ways:

  • it will help you in the healing process.
  • it will bring something good out of something terrible.

If you’d be interested in sharing your story along with the stories of others, this is what I need:

  1. Tell your story in a few paragraphs. (Names will be changed)
  2. How did this impact you, your children? How did you leave the situation?
  3. What one thing would you want others to know about domestic violence?

And if you’re not confident about your writing, that’s okay.
Just write me the facts and I’ll be glad to write it for you.
Stories may need to be edited for the sake of space.

You can send it in the body of the email or attach it as a Word document.

If you’ve lost someone to domestic violence

I’m also including a memorial chapter in my book. I will list those who have died at the hands of domestic violence. If you’ve lost someone and would like to include their name, email it to me. Use my example below:

“Peggy Gollias Dianovsky, 28. She was a wonderful mother to her three boys.”

While there is no monetary compensation for your story, I wanted to give you the opportunity to see something positive come out of something so painful. Maybe together, we can help someone else.

You can email me your submission at

Put “story submission” in the subject line.

I’m so sorry domestic violence has been part of your life. I really am.

Note: Maybe you have a book inside you waiting to come out. Consider taking an online course with Jeff Goins called Tribe Writers. The next session is starting this week. If you’re interested, click on the red Tribe Writers Logo on the right sidebar, or click here.

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  1. M&M

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